How to stake crypto

How to stake crypto

Locking Up Your Crypto for Gains: A Beginner’s Guide to Crypto Stake

One method gaining traction for earning passive income on your crypto holdings is staking. Here, we’ll break down everything you need to know about staking crypto, from the basics to the nitty-gritty details.

What is Staking Crypto?

Imagine a secure network where transactions are constantly happening, but there’s no central authority like a bank overseeing it all. That’s the core idea behind blockchains, the technology powering cryptocurrencies. Staking allows you to participate in the smooth operation of these blockchains and earn rewards for your contribution.

Think of it like this: blockchains rely on a process called “consensus mechanism” to verify transactions and add new blocks of data to the chain. Proof-of-work (PoW) is a common mechanism used by cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. It involves powerful computers solving complex puzzles, and the first computer to solve it gets to add the next block and earn rewards. However, PoW is energy-intensive and not very eco-friendly.

This is where proof-of-stake (PoS) comes in. Instead of relying on brute computing power, PoS blockchains leverage staked cryptocurrency. Users like you lock up their crypto holdings for a certain period, essentially putting their “skin in the game.” The network then randomly selects validators from a pool of staked coins to verify transactions and add new blocks. Validators with a larger stake have a higher chance of being chosen.

Why Stake Your Crypto?

There are several compelling reasons to consider staking your crypto:

  • Earn Passive Income: Staking rewards are a great way to generate passive income on your crypto holdings. Instead of letting your coins sit idle in a wallet, you can put them to work and earn additional tokens. Annual Percentage Rates (APRs) for staking can vary significantly depending on the chosen cryptocurrency, but some projects offer attractive returns, often ranging from 5% to upwards of 20%.

  • Support Secure Blockchains: By staking your crypto, you contribute to the security and stability of the blockchain network. With more coins staked, it becomes increasingly difficult for malicious actors to tamper with the network.

  • Accessibility: Unlike PoW mining, which requires expensive hardware and significant technical knowledge, staking is generally more accessible. Many cryptocurrency exchanges and wallets now offer staking services, allowing users to participate with minimal technical expertise.

Before You Stake: Things to Consider

While staking offers potential benefits, it’s not without its considerations:

  • Not All Cryptos Support Staking: Only cryptocurrencies that utilize a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism allow staking. Bitcoin, for instance, relies on PoW and doesn’t support staking.

  • Locking Period: When you stake your crypto, it’s typically locked up for a predefined period. This means you won’t be able to freely trade those coins during the locking period.

  • Risks and Volatility: The cryptocurrency market is inherently volatile. The value of your staked coins can fluctuate, and staking rewards are often paid in the same cryptocurrency you’re staking. So, if the value of the coin drops, your overall earnings could be diminished.

  • Slashing: In some PoS blockchains, validators can be penalized or ” slashed” for validator misconduct or offline time. This can lead to a loss of staked coins.

How to Stake Your Crypto: A Step-by-Step Guide

Here’s a simplified breakdown of the staking process:

Choose a Staking Crypto: Research different cryptocurrencies that offer staking options. Consider factors like APRs, locking periods, and the overall project’s reputation.

  1. Acquire Your Staking Crypto: Purchase the chosen cryptocurrency through a reputable cryptocurrency exchange.

  2. Select a Staking Platform: Decide where you want to stake your crypto. There are three main options:

    • Exchanges: Many cryptocurrency exchanges offer staking services. This is a convenient option for beginners, but the available staking options might be limited.

    • Staking Wallets: Non-custodial wallets allow you to stake your crypto while maintaining control of your private keys. This offers more flexibility and security, but requires a greater understanding of the technical aspects.

    • Validator Nodes: Running your own validator node allows you to earn the highest rewards but requires significant technical expertise, expensive hardware, and carries the risk of slashing.

  3. Stake Your Crypto: Follow the specific instructions on your chosen platform to initiate staking. This typically involves selecting the amount of crypto you want to stake and agreeing to the locking period.

  4. Monitor and Earn Rewards: Once staked, your crypto will start generating rewards periodically. You can monitor your rewards and manage your staked assets through the chosen platform.

Staking Statistics: Unveiling the Numbers Behind Earning

Now that you understand the basics of staking, let’s delve into some statistics to paint a clearer picture of this growing crypto phenomenon.

Staking on the Rise:

  • Total Staked Value: According to Staking Rewards, the total value locked (TVL) in staking surpassed $300 billion as of June 2024. This represents a massive increase from just a few years ago, highlighting the growing popularity of staking.

  • Market Share of Staked Coins: Not all cryptocurrencies are created equal when it comes to staking. Ethereum, the world’s second-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, is transitioning to a PoS model, and currently has over 12% of its total supply staked according to Etherscan. Other prominent PoS blockchains like Cardano and Polkadot also boast impressive staking participation, with over 70% and 60% of their total supply staked respectively (as of June 2024, data from

Staking Rewards and Risks:

  • Average Staking Yields: While individual returns can vary significantly, the average staking yield across different cryptocurrencies hovered around 10% in Q1 2024 according to This figure can be significantly higher for certain projects, with some offering upwards of 20% APR. However, it’s important to remember that these are estimates, and actual returns can fluctuate depending on market conditions and the specific cryptocurrency.

  • Staking vs. Traditional Investments: Staking returns can be quite attractive compared to traditional investment options like savings accounts or bonds. The average interest rate on a savings account in the US sits around a meager 0.06% as of June 2024 (source: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation), while staking offers the potential for significantly higher returns.

Staking’s Environmental Impact:

  • Energy Consumption: A significant advantage of PoS blockchains compared to PoW is their lower energy consumption. Estimates suggest that PoS blockchains like Ethereum can use over 99% less energy compared to Bitcoin’s PoW model. This eco-friendly aspect is a major selling point for environmentally conscious investors.

The Future of Staking:

  • Staking Innovation: The staking landscape is constantly evolving. Liquid staking solutions are emerging, allowing users to stake their crypto while maintaining some degree of liquidity for their staked assets. This could further increase participation in staking by mitigating the drawbacks of locked staking periods.

  • Regulatory Landscape: As staking continues to gain traction, regulations are likely to follow. Governments and regulatory bodies are still grappling with how to classify staking rewards and the potential implications for investors. Clearer regulations could bring more stability and legitimacy to the staking industry.


Staking offers a compelling way to earn passive income on your cryptocurrency holdings while contributing to the security and stability of proof-of-stake blockchains. However, it’s crucial to understand the risks involved and conduct thorough research before staking your crypto assets. With careful planning and a grasp of the relevant statistics, staking can be a valuable tool for crypto investors seeking to maximize their returns


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